Fifth about The Seventh

Waiting for Bojangles (En Attendant Bojangles)

Waiting for Bojangles: Régis Roinsard’s literary adaptation ably dances from joyful to sorrowful and back, as it tells the intense love story between its protagonists, as well as their relationship with their young son. The director makes use of all his tools, from the preponderant color in the attractive images of cinematographer Guillaume Schiffman to the efficient use of music, both the touching musical score composed by Clare and Olivier Manchon and the songs that pop up here and there. Production designer Sylvie Olivé creates a few magical settings for the story to take place, and costume designer Emmanuelle Youchnovski creates a number of beautiful gowns for Virginie Efira to wear. Efira gives a pretty good performance as the bipolar mother who preaches fantasy is a must to have a good life, going from manic to lethargic and back at the drop of a pin. Romain Duris is touching as the man who loves her and does his best to keep her highs longer and her lows short. Solan Machado-Graner plays their young son convincingly.

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