Fifth about The Seventh

Collective (Colectiv)

Collective: to say that Alexander Nanau’s documentary is hard-hitting and enraging is quite an understatement. It follows the work of investigative journalists as they uncover a corruption scheme within the healthcare system, and it does so with great clarity. Corruption is unacceptable anywhere, but this film is a good reminder of why it’s particularly outrageous in this particular sector. The film is a bit dry in its presentation, but nevertheless very effective: the viewer knows the characters and their role in the storytelling. Nanau has superb access to the whole process with his unobtrusive camera (doubly surprising as the film switches gears and starts following a well-meaning public official, who is pretty much over his head), and he alongside co-editors Dana Bunescu and George Cragg stitch them together in a package that is informative and almost thrilling.

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