Fifth about The Seventh

The Roof (Il Tetto)

The Roof: this film by Vittorio De Sica is a gentler tale of the hardships in post-war Italy, looking at a newlywed couple who are fighting to have a roof over their heads to call their own after getting married. The film has an underlying sadness regarding the poverty in Rome, but has an upbeat tone and optimistic view of the people. The young couple is charming, good-looking and hard-working, making it very easy to root for them, and played well by Gabriella Pallotti (who has a quietly touching moment towards the end that is heartbreaking) and Giorgio Listuzzi. There are plenty of great, credible faces playing the supporting characters, chiefly among them Gastone Renzelli as the brute-with-a-hearth-of-gold brother-in-law. The music, composed by Alessandro Cicognini, is lively and a great match to the material. Cinematographer Carlo Montuori captures the ruined city, and the action at night, very well.

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