Fifth about The Seventh

Tiger Stripes

Tiger Stripes: the main topic of Amanda Nell Eu’s film is certainly worthy: the way certain cultures essentially demonize a natural process of the female body. It starts straight enough, with a lively young girl going through her first period, just to be shunned by her classmates, including her two closest friends. The film makes a turn towards the supernatural, making it more heavy-handed but a more original and impactful approach. The young cast presents good work: Zafreen Zairizal plays the protagonist with great energy and ferocity and she is very easy to get connected to; Deena Ezral is quite convincing as the best friend turned into a religious bully; Shaheizy Sam is very sleazy as a local “doctor”, a character that shows that a place can be modern enough to have hashtags and likes but still backward in understanding and respecting the particulars of half its population.

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