Fifth about The Seventh

Case of the Naves Brothers (O Caso dos Irmãos Naves)

Case of the Naves Brothers: Luiz Sérgio Person’s drama tells the true story of a pair of brothers who are falsely accused of the murder of a business associate, despite the absence of evidence or even a body. It is an intense and strong denouncement of abuse of power and justicial error in a newly-installed dictatorship, produced as yet another dictatorship started in Brazil. The dialogue is well-written, as characters are given the voice one would expect of them. Anselmo Duarte plays the policeman in charge of the investigation, oozing threat and abuse, in a very solid performance. Juca de Oliveira and Raul Cortez play the two abused brothers and sell their moments of pain well. John Herbert is likewise efficient in playing the role of the dignified lawyer who is fighting the system to free the brothers. The nervous camerawork of cinematographer Oswaldo de Oliveira and the editing of Glauco Mirko Laurelli give the film a lot of energy; the intensity of the torture scenes drives the point home of how absurd it all was.

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